Saturday, 3 September 2016

The Barbaric Beast of Boggy Creek, Part II (1984)

Directed by: Charles B. Pierce
Written by: Charles B. Pierce
Starring: Charles B. Pierce, Cindy Butler, Chuck Pierce Jr.
Release date: 13th February 1984
Runtime: 1:32
BBFC certificate: PG

Summary: A professor (Pierce) takes three of his students (Butler, Pierce Jr., Serene Hedin) into the woods to search for a Bigfoot-like creature.

Review: "Written, produced, and directed by Charles B. Pierce." "Starring Charles B. Pierce and Chuck Pierce, with Mack Pierce and Pam Pierce." Talk about a family project.

This movie is dull, but (thankfully) not as boring as Return to Boggy Creek. That's not saying much, though, as we're fifty minutes in before anything of note happens. Most of the film up until that point consists of flashbacks covering locals' encounters with the creature. One of them is pretty funny, though; a guy is attacked while in an outhouse and his wife ends up having to hose his soiled self down.

The creature is shown quite frequently, and it's clearly a guy in a gorilla suit. The Arkansas scenery is lovely, but the night-time cinematography is really poor. It's so dark that sometimes you can't even tell what's going on.

As I mentioned, nothing really happens until the final third, when the four main characters meet up with a half-naked hillbilly who has captured the creature's child. It's marginally better than Return, but that's hardly saying anything as it's still boring beyond belief and you'll spend the majority of the runtime pleading for it to end.

Trivia: Despite its title, this is actually the third movie in the Boggy Creek series. Since Charles B. Pierce had no affiliation with Return to Boggy Creek, he decided to ignore it and make this the official sequel.

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